Estimote hackathon

First of the series of preparation hackathons for the Jitter hackathon at Mobile Central Europe conference with great partner - Estimote

Sebastian Suchanowski

1 minute read

On Saturday (November 30, 2013) had place a first of the series of preparation hackathons for the Jitter hackathon at Mobile Central Europe conference. The Synappse Team went there to participate and make friends with this hackathon partner – Estimote.

Impact of mobile applications in healthcare

Mоbіlе applications аrе grаduаllу сhаngіng how dосtоrѕ аnd nurses provide hеаlthсаrе in more rесеnt times.

Sebastian Suchanowski

5 minute read

Mоbіlе hеаlth, оr mHealth, іѕ a tеrm uѕеd to dеѕсrіbе the use of mobile telecommunication dеvісеѕ as hеаlthсаrе. Wе use mobile dеvісеѕ to read thе nеwѕ, wаtсh sports аnd communicate wіth others, аnd nоw it’s bеіng used to іmрrоvе hеаlthсаrе. Innоvаtіvе features like dіgіtаl hоѕріtаl rooms and vіrtuаl mеdісіnе kiosks аrе аlrеаdу еnаblіng рhуѕісіаnѕ tо monitor, dіаgnоѕе and trеаt patients frоm rеmоtе lосаtіоnѕ. It’ѕ сhаngіng the wау healthcare іѕ dеlіvеrеd – providing dосtоrѕ аnd раtіеntѕ wіth…

Unlimited vacation vs Productivity

A company that provides amazing perks such as unlimited vacation days or a gym on the premises seems to be at ends with a company that is a leader in its field, highly competitive, and extraordinarily productive.

Sebastian Suchanowski

3 minute read

There is a tenuous balance that every business organization must face—a positive and relaxing work culture and the need to maximize productivity. Some companies, particularly the more established ones, tend to forego developing a positive work culture altogether and simply expect employees to be the henchmen of the management’s will. This state of affairs is naturally demotivating and these companies have seen a dip in their productivity related to that. Now that even the most ardent Old School…

Europeana Workshop in Paris – a bit of culture

A few weeks ago we've had yet another opportunity to visit Paris - this time we've participated in the workshops organized by Europeana Foundation which runs Europeana.

Paweł Wrzosek

2 minute read

Seems that we’ve liked Paris. It’s shouldn’t be a surprise since in many different ways it’s a very cool city: one of the biggest startup community in Europe (as seen in a short relation from Futur en Seine, global center of world high culture with multitude of museums and art galleries and finally - a wonderful city in itself.

French startups - Futur en Seine

In the middle of June, I had an opportunity to visit Paris and see what's happening in local startups on the Futur en Seine event, where for 4 days over 100 exhibitors at _Innovation Village_ presented their products to more than 50 000 visitors.

Paweł Wrzosek

2 minute read

At Synappse we’re not only about creating stunning apps… we’re also very interested in new technologies and start-up ecosystem, so we need to keep an eye on this field. Besides everyday lecture of The Verge, from time to time it’s good to attend industry events, touch some amazing technologies and meet people face-to-face.